All fees are posted monthly by billing cycle dates. Class fees and schedule are for the full term of the session (Aug-May). For Art, Dance, and Music classes there are 8 billing cycles throughout the term of the session. For Theater classes there are 9 billing cycles throughout the term of the session. There are 2 options for monthly payments: manual or auto pay. Manual pay accounts are due the 1st of each month. Manual Pay accounts can be paid through the Parent Portal or by check, dropped in the WFA Dropbox. Auto Pay cards will be processed on the 1st or 15th of each month depending on billing settings. A late fee of $20 will be applied to accounts not paid within 5 days of the due date specified above or to any card that is not able to be processed on the auto pay date. If payment is not made by the end of the billing cycle, student's class participation will be suspended. Performance participation will be evoked on any accounts with an outstanding balance. There is a $25 returned check charge for any checks returned by the bank.
registration fees
Registration fees are paid for at the time of registration and are per student. These fees are non-refundable. All past due fees must be paid in full to complete your registration. Fees will be automatically posted to your Jackrabbit account. WFA will charge the card on file for the registration fees within 2 business days of completing registration. See registration fees here.
performance fees
Performance fees vary by department and include, but are not limited to, dress rehearsal expenses, tech costs, and costume fees and help keep our show admission affordable and/or free of charge. Performance Fees are due in August or upon enrollment in lieu of a tuition payment. See Performance Fees here.
art fees
Art supply fees are due in August or upon enrollment and include supply needs for art classes. See Art Fees here.
Late Fee
A $20 late fee will be applied to any card that is not able to process on auto pay date. If payment is not made by the end of the billing cycle, student's class participation will be suspended. Performance participation will be evoked on any accounts with an outstanding balance.
Access Fob Fee
For the safety and security of our campus, all WFA families are required to have an access key fob to enter the building.The fob fee is $20 for the first fob and $15 for each additional foband is automatically charged to your card on file at the time of registration. The fob will be programmed under your name and will be your responsibility to keep on hand when coming and going from Woodland’s campus. If your access fob is lost or stolen, it must be reported to us immediately so that we can disable the fob. Any lost or stolen fobs will result in a $30 replacement fee. If your family un-enrolls from WFA classes, the fob must be returned or a $30 charge will be issued to deactivate the fob under your name. This upgraded security feature was put into place for the safety of our children, staff, volunteers, and families that are on campus.
If your fob does not work, please email [email protected]. If you already have a fob with Woodland Academy, please email us so we can reprogram your fob to include WFA doors, you will not need an additional fob if you have one issued through Woodland Academy.
We offer a multi-class discountof 10% off each additional class, excluding specialty dance classes, art and individual lessons. This discount does not apply to the first class. We highly encourage our students to take multiple forms of technique.
The term of our session is a full school year. If you need to un-enroll for any reason, all fees are non-refundable. Due to the nature of our program, if a student needs to withdraw an early a termination fee of one additional billing cycle is required.
Woodland Fine Arts Academy implements a behavior policy in an effort to maintain a high quality of classroom management and consistency in instruction. This policy will help students to understand the teacher's expectations and provide a communication resource for parents to be aware and informed of any behavioral needs that may arise. Every class within the academy will review these expectations the first week of classes. If a student is disrupting, misbehaving or being disrespectful they will receive a verbal reminder. If the behavior continues during that same class, they will be asked to sit out for a short period of time or miss a fun activity planned during the class time (up to the teacher's discretion). This is in an effort to provide the student with a tangible consequence for their behavior if the verbal reminder was not effective. If the behavior persists, the student will be informed that their parent will be notified. Within the week, the teacher will contact the parent with an explanation of what happened in class in an effort to work together to resolve the behavior. If a parent is contacted 3 times for disciplinary issues, WFA reserves the right to suspend class participation and any upcoming performances without refund. This is in the best interest of the child, the class, and the teacher. We want to reassure you that behavior expectations will be reasonable and age appropriate and that this will only be used when necessary to maintain quality instruction for the entire class. We thank you in advance for your understanding and for partnering with us to teach our students appropriate behavior in a WFA class. This will provide all children with the best learning environment possible.
Class fees are nonrefundable and are due regardless of attendance.
Regular class attendance is vital to your child's growth and crucial to the success of the class as a whole. If your child needs to be absent for any reason, we ask you to let your child's teacher know in advance so that he/she can plan accordingly - you can do this through your parent portal or via email. If absences become excessive, WFA Staff will determine if the student can continue to participate in the class. If class attendance has suffered, WFA Staff will use discretion to determine if it is in the best interest of the child and the class for the student to perform.
There are no make-up options for group classes. Individual lessons will be given the opportunity to reschedule. Make-up lessons are only offered for contagious illness or family emergencies twice per year. After which, it is up to the discretion of the teacher whether a make-up lesson is permissible and tuition is still due regardless of absences beyond two. A student is only eligible for two make-ups per year and notice of the student's absence must be given 24 hours prior to the missed lesson. If 24 hours is not given or if there is not a sudden onset of illness or emergency: the lesson is forfeited and ineligible for a make-up lesson. After two eligible make-up allowances, all future absences are considered unexcused and ineligible for a make-up lesson. The parent will still be responsible for tuition and the teacher will be compensated for their time. Each teacher will now have pre-determined designated make-up times in their schedule. These are the only times make-up lessons will be offered and if a student is unable to make the make-up slot the lesson is forfeited.
Dress rehearsals for performances are required and count as the final cycle of the last billing cycle. No exceptions. If a student misses a dress rehearsal they will be unable to participate in the performance. This is in the best interest of all involved in the performance.
Contagious illnesses should be kept at home. I agree to refrain from attending WFA classes during that time as a preventative measure for the best interest of all and that all fees will not be refunded due to absences. Students should not return to WFA until fever free for 24 hours.
I agree to have my student comply with the attire policy that is required for each class that my child is participating in. I have read the attire policy as expressed on WFA's website and will provide the proper attire for my child's participation in the class(es). I agree to uphold and have my student comply with the attire policy that is required to each performance that my child is participating in. These policies will be communicated through email and on the WFA website. will comply with hair and nail requirements for any and all dress rehearsals and performances
Contagious illnesses should be keep at home. We ask for our students to refrain from attending WFA classes during the time of sickness/symptoms as a preventative measure for the best interest of all. Fees will not be refunded due to absences. Students should not return to WFA until fever free for 24hrs.
natural disasters & severe inclement weather:
WFA follows Manatee County School District in governmental guidelines in facility closures due to inclement weather. All class fees are non-refundable when closures occur, due to circumstances beyond our control; such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, power outages, flooding and other natural disasters.
damage to academy property
Any damage or loss to WFA property as a result of any action by a student requires that the damaged item is either repaired or replaced to the satisfaction of the WFA staff. It is expected that all damages, even though it might be accidental, will be acknowledged by the person involved and reimbursement made to WFA. Parents will be responsible for any damage to or loss of academy property from Student’s actions or those of Student’s guests. Parents will reimburse the academy for any such damage or loss upon WFA’s request.
technology user agreement
Woodland Fine Arts Academy recognizes the value of computers and other electronic resources to improve student learning and enhance the administration and operation of its schools. To this end, WFA requires the responsible use of computers; computer networks, including the Internet; and other electronic resources in support of the mission and goals of the academy. Because the Internet is an unregulated, worldwide vehicle for communication, information available to staff and students is impossible to control. Therefore, WFA adopts this policy governing the voluntary use of electronic resources and the Internet in order to provide guidance to individuals and groups obtaining access to these resources.
It is the policy of Woodland Fine Arts Academy to maintain an environment that promotes ethical and responsible conduct in all online network activities by staff and students. It shall be a violation of this policy for any employee, student, or other individual to engage in any activity that does not conform to the established purpose and general rules and policies of the network. Acceptable uses of technological resources are limited to activities that support learning and teaching, except when otherwise specifically authorized by a staff member. WFA's technological resources include, but are not limited to computers, interactive whiteboards, mobile devices, websites, networks, servers, the Internet, phones, copiers, facsimile machines, televisions and video-recorders, e-mail accounts, and licensed software. Students are given the privilege to use the Internet along with the responsibility of using it properly. Students are responsible for exhibiting high standards of behavior in using the Academy's technological resources. Staff members will instruct students in the correct use of these resources; however, the ultimate responsibility for a student's actions in using the technological resources rests with the student. Failure to adhere to the requirements of this policy may result in disciplinary action, which may include immediate revocation of user privileges, disciplinary action, dismissal and/or appropriate legal action.